Tuesday, October 26, 2010

face#9: rhino dude

A guy got shot in the head in the block I live today, so I'm terrified. Done with homework and still scare, so I decided to post on my blog since it has been a while since the last time. This is out lock on the door of our condo. I especially like this one because it's double-sided, or should I say double-faces. It can turn from the rhino what I showed you and turn the knob and you get an elephant, but I decided not to show you that. Time for dinner. Write to you next time.



  1. You told me about that, SCARY! Luckily you weren't home at the time. Nice Rhino! We need to figure out halloween plans. Happy Halloween

  2. GO 80's MUSIC!!!!! I am so happy that you feel that way and I wish I was there with you :'(
    Great face! You are great at finding faces!
    I think that the video did get to his girlfriend! Isn't that great!
